Swap Crypto
- What is Swap?
- Do I have to verify my identity to use Swap?
- How do I place a Swap order?
- What crypto assets can I Swap?
- What is the difference between Swapping from DeFi Wallet and my Blockchain.com Account?
- What are the Swap limits?
- What countries is Swap available in?
- How long will my Swap order take?
- Can I cancel my Swap order?
- Why do Swap exchange rates change?
- What information is available about my Swap order?
- Why has my Swap order expired?
- What network fees are applied to my Swap order?
- Will I be refunded if my Swap or Sell from a DeFi Wallet fails?
- What is a Transaction ID and where can I find mine?
- What does my Swap order status mean?